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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide


Todo, Deadline, Event, Done, Find**

1.1 Todo

todo is a task without any time or deadlines assigned to: 
Example: user can add a todo task -- Visit NTU 
Format: Todo [activity]
Usage: Todo NTU 
Expected Output: ---------
                 Got it i va added the this task
                 [T][NotDone]visit NTU Tag:
                 Now you have 1 task in the list

1.2 Deadline

Deadline is deadline task with a date is assigned to
Format: deadline [activity] [/by yyyy-mm-dd]
Usage: deadline return book /by 2019-10-19
Expected Output:----------
                [D][NotDone] return book (Sun, Oct 19 2019)
                Now you have 2 task in the list

1.3 Event

Event is a event task with a date is assigned to it. 
Format: event [activity] [/at yyyy-mm--dd]
Usage: event project meeting /at 2019-12-24
Expected Output: ---------
                 [D][NotDone] project meeting (Tue, Dec 24 2019)
                 Now you have 3 task in the list

1.4 List

Display all the task in the list 
Usage: list
Expected Output: --------------------
                1. [T][NotDone] visit NTU tag:
                2. [D][NotDone] return book (Sun, Oct 19 2019)
                3. [E][NotDone] project meeting (Tue, Dec 24 2019)

1.5 Done

Done command is used to update a task status in the task list 
Format: done [index of task]
Usage done 1 
Expected Output: --------------------
                 1. [T][Done] visit NTU tag:
                 2. [D][NotDone] return book (Sun, Oct 19 2019)
                 3. [E][NotDone] project meeting (Tue, Dec 24 2019)

1.6 Find

Find command allows user to search his/her task with keywords entered. The apps will return matching words
Format: find [keywords]
Usage: find visit
Expected Output: -----------------
                Here are the matching tasks in your list
                1.[T][NoDone] visit NTU tag:

1.7 Tag

Add a tag to the task 
Format: tag [keywords] as [#tag]
Usage tag visit as work 
Expected Output: ------------------
                the tag work is successfully added to visit NTU 

1.8 Delete

delete command allows user to deleta a task or event or deadline that he entered
Format: delete [index of task]
Usage delete 2
Expected Output: ------------------
                Got it, i've removed thi task 
                [E][NotDone] return book (Sat, Oct 19 2019)
                Now you have 2 tasks in the list